Friends of Vade Mecum

Supporting Hanging Rock State Park

We Need Your Help

State Parks has finished their assessment of the Vade Mecum and Moore’s Springs properties and concluded they are important assets to the region, the facilities and conservation values fall within the State Park’s mission, and the Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) does not oppose adding the properties to Hanging Rock State Park. Action for the transfer of the properties…
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History Repeating Itself?

In researching Vade Mecum I came across the full text of The Book “Clover All Over”. It mentions Sertoma 6 times. What I found fascinating is the mention of NCSU acquiring the property in 1980, but not using the facility until 1982. I  hope history is not repeating itself. Let’s all pull together to make sure it doesn’t. On…
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Fund the Parks

I had a great meeting today with Dave Cook with the State Parks at Camp Sertoma. WE NEED YOUR HELP!!!  If you want Sertoma to be part of the State Park System we need to let our State Representatives know. Why? Because we need them to FUND the parks. Right now, Hanging Rock does not have the financial resources to…
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What can you do?

I have included the website address for our group on the signs in hope that folks will join our case. 1. Please join our Facebook group – 2. Email or call Bryan Holloway (919) 733-5609 and Shirley Randleman (919) 733-5743 – and tell them THANK YOU for helping Save Sertoma they are our ALLIES and very supportive.…
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Signs Are Here

Carroll Signs and Advertising in King did a great job with the signs. We did a run of 25. They are double sided corrugated vinyl. If you are interested in buying one, they are $9. each leave us a message on the Save Sertoma Facebook page. Once I get enough interest I will print more.

Get A Sign

We are going to make signs. I will let you know prices soon. If you are interested in getting one. Please stop by our Save Sertoma Facebook group and drop us a line under the picture of the sign.

Meet at the Table

A group of five of us went to the county commissioner’s meeting on Monday, January 27th. I personally spoke about getting stake holders to sit down together at the table and find a solution. If the RFI is too restrictive, can we write something better? I talked about folks willing and ready to start fund raising, but what for, we…
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Face Palm

Stokes News has a front page article about Camp Sertoma in the Thursday January 16 issue entitled, “Attempt to Save Camp Sertoma Stalls“. Editor Nicholas Eames managed to distill a complicated set of issues into a tightly-written, succinct article. The piece says the County Manager did not receive any responses to the County’s Request for Information by the deadline, January 15.…
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County Commissioner’s Mtg – 12/23

Where: Commissioner’s Chambers, 2nd floor, Ronald Regan Building, 1014 Main st., Danbury, NC 27016 When: 12/23 6:00pm arrive earlier if you want to sign up for public comment. As I wrote on our facebook group page, “Sign up for public comments and remind the Commissioner’s that we need to Save Sertoma/Vade Mecum Springs. Our group has proposed a plan and we…
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